President Ronald Reagan Impersonator

Any glamorous and prestigious event could use some real “Presidential Power!”
Tim Beasley returns as "President Ronald Reagan" for inspirational
and motivational speaking engagements in his remarkable
celebrity impersonation of the popular US 40th President.
Great for all American theme, political or historical special events,
as President Ronald Reagan was declared by popular vote as one of the top 5 Presidents
of the 20th Century.
There are several unique flavors of appearances, just like President
Reagan's favorite candy, Jelly Bellys!
1. Meet & greet with an after-dinner speech from the Oval Office
podium, and yes, we have a replica of that!
2. Surprise guest with after-dinner speech
3. General entertainment subject for speaking program can be "The
Wit, Humor and Wisdom of President Ronald Reagan" based upon the
many books on this subject.
4. Inspirational and motivational subject for educational speaking
at colleges, high schools public libraries, political rallies.
5. Religious speaking engagements

Having a "President's Day Sale" or special sales/ marketing event?“
"President Ronald Reagan" will cut ribbons for grand openings, make
motivational speeches for your "corporate congress" and get your
marketing and PR messages across as " The Great Communicator !"
Also, with Reagan's legendary wit and good humor, he's a grand guest
speaker for having some "roasting" fun, much like he did as guest on the
now classic Dean Martin's Celebrity Roasts. The two photos below show
"Ronnie" in action roasting a big Republican businessman for his 50th
birthday party in the grand ballroom of the historic Palace Hotel in San
Francisco, late 2011. For a fun and fabulous roasting engagement, he
will deliver a 'this is your life" style of commentary on your special
"Man or Woman of the Hour," based on your and your colleagues best and
illustrious stories of the person's "good, bad and ugly," in a good
humored way, full of hilarious quips....Your roast-ee should know that
being roasted is indeed a high honor, and a testament to their good
Let "President Ronald Reagan" be your time travel ticket master back to
the great 80's! As the leader of the free world from 1981 -1989 he was
there for "MTV, .E.T. , The Breakfast Club, The Terminator, The Big
Chill, Ferris Bueller's Day Off," New Wave Music and so much more!
Nothing beats the fun and excitement of a "Presidential Personal Appearance!".
Call or e-mail for discussing your event. Appearance rate quotes are
based on date, location, times, etc.
As President Ronald Reagan liked to say and also quoted from the small sign
always present on his Oval Office desk, “It can be done!”