O'Brien Impersonator

The New King of Late Nite TV, "Conan O'Brien" from TBCStars!
With the legacy of The Tonight Show now passing from Jay Leno
into the ingenious and zany hands of Conan O'Brien, Tim Beasley is
very happy to use his immediate natural likeness to Conan to produce
a hilarious copy of Conan's role as host.
From this comedy clone's zany opening monologue, complete , with Tim's equally zany and
topical original quips written just for your audience or guests, to
the wild and crazy skits, it's an amazing thing just how much they
actually share physically and mentally.
Have some special guests in your audience? Let Tim as "Conan"
interview them ala The Tonight Show from his desk and have some
interactive hi-jinks to make it a delightful evening - and are you
ready for this? He can also become his very own "Special Musical
Guest" by quick-changing into any of his "Rock Superstars" of your
Both Tim and Conan are tall and lanky with a wild shock of red hair
and freckled tan complexion, with those Irish blue eyes to boot.
That's quite a unique and scarce combination in itself, but add
Tim's uncanny ability to mimic Conan's very individual mannerisms
and goofy characters from his "Conan Caveman" to his "Ferret-faced
Freak," to his
lighting fast wit and funny bones mentality, with just the right
amount of Bostonian twang, and you've got a twin-spin look alike
ready to have fun with any audience!
As an avid fan of late-night TV since a young teenager in the
1960's, , Tim actually credits The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson
as his major influence in becoming a variety celebrity impersonator
comic entertainer.
Tim has performed as the emcee-comedian-performer for years for a
galaxy of special events and shows, and brings that stage savvy and
delivers that laughing machine gun of comedy to every show.
Make it a great time with Tim as "Conan O'Brien" for your very own
"Tonight Show!"